The Future of Collaboration is Here —A Deck To Control & Collaborate For Any Project

Start a project and follow through on it, with Alphabag Deck.

Kevin Hon Chi Hang
4 min readJul 3, 2021

Collaboration is almost never easy. Especially when you are working with a client or partner for the first time ever, it may seem as if your communication is slogging along. You feel like you are expressing yourself, and so does the person sitting across from you.

Yet, there is a disconnect.

The more each of you speaks, the less each of you feels heard. You are describing, in excruciating detail, precisely what you need your collaborator to understand — but at the end of every session, it seems as if you have only drifted further away from mutual understanding and a plan that works for everyone.

For freelancers, agencies, and students, this problem will sound painfully familiar. What we have developed, however, is a way around the problem — and into more effective, more efficient collaboration for anyone and everyone.

It’s called Alphabag Deck.

Prioritize the tasks and goals that are going to make up the project you are undertaking.

Alphabag Deck — The First Step For Every project

The concept is straightforward. Using a deck of 108 cards, you prioritize the tasks and goals that are going to make up the project you are undertaking.

You will then scan the unique QR code on each card via the Alphabag app, using it to generate a high-level or low-level blueprint and explore the resources it provides to you, including sample blueprints, knowledge databases, key insights, and other tools. From there, you set expectations with your client or partner, keeping your communication clear and precise.

Scan the unique QR code on each card via the Alphabag app

The Common Language For The Making World

On its surface, Alphabag may seem like little more than a series of keywords. It is, in reality, a jumping-off point for highly directed, highly intentional planning and brainstorming. When you use Alphabag, you no longer need to worry that you are missing your collaborator’s points or that your partner is misconstruing your intentions. We have selected the keywords on every Alphabag card to pull out your true intentions and to pin down everyone’s thoughts.

This innovation will, in a big way, nudge collaborations forward, opening the door to interconnections and associations that you would have never thought up otherwise.

Available on Kickstarter 24th July 2021, learn more via

Now for a limited time only, you can get your own Alphabag deck, pre-ordering through our Kickstarter campaign. Although we plan to run a survey and make tweaks to the cards based on our findings, the 108-card deck that we have created is ready for you immediately. All you need to do is select the contribution level that works for you.

As a sign of our thanks, we are offering Alphabag decks at an exclusive discount through our Kickstarter campaign, including a 50% off limited super early bird discount and a 45% off limited early bird discount.

The campaign will be launched on 24th July 2021.

Visit our Kickstarter page for more information.

In either way, you will be notified when our campaign is live.

The future of collaboration does not need to seem murky or uncertain. Through a deck of cards and a user-friendly app, you can position yourself for more successful working relationships in the years ahead. The next project may just be your best one yet if you are willing to rethink how you have communicated with your clients and partners in the past.

On behalf of the entire Alphabag team, thank you for taking the time to read about our plans. Go ahead and tell all of your friends what Alphabag means to you while you’re at it!

We appreciate your support!

Feel free to follow us on social media for more surprising deals.

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Kevin Hon Chi Hang

The design unicorn from NYC, currently the janitor of Alphabag & Unicorn Vision, formerly @askwonder & creative director @divide.