Building The DAOs For Creatives

The reason behind the cancellation of the Alphabag Deck Kickstarter campaign

Kevin Hon Chi Hang
4 min readMar 29, 2022

At one time, crowdfunding campaigns were the best way to raise funds for new products. We’ve seen people fund everything from potato salad to hoverboards with it. However, this past year we’ve seen an interesting trend emerges: Many creators are choosing to turn to resale NFT instead of running crowdfunding campaigns.

One of the reasons for this change is that creators want the process of selling their products to be as easy and simple as possible. They also want a way to control their own stock so they can avoid overproduction. Plus, crowdfunding campaigns are not sustainable business models for creators. The fee structure is too high, and there’s no way to reappropriate funds in the event of a failure.

With the resale of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), we can use their scarcity and uniqueness as a membership incentive. For example, if someone owns a digital cat that’s limited edition or has some other special property, they are more likely to sign up for the service to get exclusive access to that cat than just for the cost of the service.

This strategy is great because it incentivizes memberships by increasing exclusivity and value. And with NFTs being tradable on secondary markets like OpenSea, this also gives more opportunities for your product to be valued by people outside Kickstarter who would have otherwise missed out. That’s why we switched our direction from crowdfunding to selling NFT.

Introducing The NFTs Of Alphabag As VIP Membership

We are building a VIP membership club where members will only be able to join by minting their own Alphabag NFT. This exclusive society offers various initial and long-term benefits like lifetime app licenses for all Alphabag products, DAO access, and discounts on future deck/ book/ course releases.

4K Videos As Main Artwork For Minting

Below, you can see a preview of our artwork — if you want to see the full collection and learn more about it, then head over to our official website.

Choosing Ethereum Over Solana Network

Although this is not the final decision, we are more inclined to store it on a mainstream network with lots of practical use cases. As most DApps exist on the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum is a no-brainer option.

The Ultimate Membership of Alphabag

The Alphabag NFT is your VIP status and access pass to all of the products in our store, including a lifetime app license along with exclusive discounts on future books, guides, decks & courses.

The DAOs across Alphabag’s ecosystem

You will be able to have DAO access to that specific app related to the NFT you bought. The voting right includes the feature development and prioritization for that app.

Limited Supply & Only Available For Selected Professional

We understand that after the first mint, we will no longer have full control of who owns the NFT. But to only offer the chance of minting for those selected professionals is our plan as well-we want to grow with suitable people.

About Alphabag

Alphabag provides a set of creative and collaboration tools that empower solopreneurs and entrepreneurs to effectively plan, manage, and execute their projects.

If you are interested in Alphabag NFTs, you can join the waitlist.

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Kevin Hon Chi Hang

The design unicorn from NYC, currently the janitor of Alphabag & Unicorn Vision, formerly @askwonder & creative director @divide.